Maintaining a happy and healthy relationship in any kind of family has its challenges, but blending two or more families comes with its own set of unique problems. It can take a long time for stepfamilies to get used to each other and this new family unit.

The beginning years can be especially challenging since the new couples are getting to know each other and developing their own relationship, as well as their relationship with their biological children and their step children. That’s a lot going on! However there are steps that you can take to work through these challenges.

Here are 5 tips that can help you overcome some of the issues you may face with your blended family:

  1. Communication

Try not to hold things in. This is all new and very likely you are going to have differing needs than your partner. Share them. Don’t hold them in or this can lead to resentment later.

2. Be a Team

Family meetings can help. Once a week commit to a family meeting. Start by sharing what went well this week. And then everyone gets to speak about an issue that has come up. End the meeting with something fun, like a game or a nice meal.


3. Keep Perspective

It is important that you try to understand each other’s perspective and not force each other to blend to your ideals. While it may take long for your families to truly bond, it is better to take your time learning about each other instead of moving too quickly.


4. Stay Connected 

Staying connected is essential for being unified as a blended family. You can do this by sharing hobbies and interests, periodic check-in conversations and regular date nights away from the children to keep your relationship romantic and deeply connected.

5. Seek couple’s and family counselling

Couple and family counselling can help provide tools to strengthen your relationships. Not only would it help you solve problems as they arise, but it can also work as a preventative measure from future conflicts between your family. We are here to help.

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